Posted Wed, 18 Mar 2015, 10:46pm
OUTSPORT TORONTO seeks applications from individuals
interested in assisting its Board of Directors to achieve its Vision. Positions are available as of 7 May 2015. Please see below for a list of the various
positions on the Board of Directors. Note that these are not paid directorships.
Who is Eligible?
A person is eligible to be a director of OUTSPORT TORONTO if
(i) They are a member in good standing of a member
Sports Organisation and have been endorsed by the member Sports Organisation’s
governing body to be a candidate for being a director of OUTSPORT TORONTO, or
(ii) They are not a member in good standing of a
member Sports Organisation but they nonetheless support the objects as set out
in the letters patent or supplementary letters patent of OUTSPORT TORONTO and
they are actively involved in sport.
“Governing body” here means the Organisation’s board,
collective, executive, steering commit, or group of members otherwise named
that oversees the functioning of the Organisations.
Note that OUTSPORT TORONTO's bylaws stipulate that at least two-thirds of OUTSPORT TORONTO's directors must come from member organisations.
Term of Office
Each position on the Board of Directors is retired on a
yearly basis at OUTSPORT TORONTO’s annual general meeting. The AGM for 2015 is being held on 6 May 2015.
A director may be appointed by the existing directors at any
time during the year if there is a vacancy on the board.
Directors are able to seek re-election on a yearly
How to apply
To notify OUTSPORT TORONTO of an intention to stand as a
candidate for the board of directors, a person must complete the form Read more...