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Welcome Rainbow Ballroom Toronto

Shawn Sheridan's picture

I'm delighted to welcome the Rainbow Ballroom Toronto to OUTSPORT TORONTO as our 23rd member organisation!  Rainbow Ballroom Toronto was unanimously voted in as a member organisation at our 21 February 2012 board meeting.

We continue to receive a good stream of renewal registrations for 2012, but not all yet.  Please make sure that if your organisation hasn't sent its in yet, you do so as soon as possible.  Organisations must renew their membership annually by completing the membership form found here, signing it, and sending it in per the instructions on the form.  Please make sure you do so well in advance of the AGM, which we're scheduling for late April 2012 this year, so you organisation's nominee can vote at the AGM.

So, on behalf of the board of OUTSPORT TORONTO, I extend a warm welcome to Rainbow Ballroom Toronto!