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OUTSPORT TORONTO SportZone Meeting #5 of 5


Mon, 16 Jun 2014, 7:00pm - 9:00pm


Mattamy Athletic Centre - 50 Carlton Street

(Former Maple Leaf Gardens)

Conference Room: Eggy's Summit - 3rd Floor, overlooking the Coca Cola Court

Please join us on Monday, June 16 at 7pm at the Mattamy Athletic Centre for the final meeting to plan the OUTSPORT TORONTO SportZone for WorldPride 2014.  This is it!

We'd love to know you're coming!  Keep us in the loop with the really simple sign-up at the bottom of this email.  And if you've got friends who are interested, please bring them along!

This final meeting's Agenda will include:

1. WorldPride Series - When and where are all the events and activities?

Come get a final view on all the events and acitivities!

2. SportZone and FlexZone - Planned to a "T"

Let's do a final check to ensure our team is fully prepared to hit the ground running!


Show us what you've got, and let's finalise our Marching Order!

4.  OUTSPORT TORONTO Women's Booth - The party never stops

Come hear about the final details on the OUTSPORT TORONTO Women's Booth.

5.  What else?

Anything else you’d like to hear about?  Do?  Know?  Please let me know in advance if you can so I can have answers for you, or just come along to the meeting and ask your questions and I’ll do my best to answer on the spot (I may do so through interpretive dance, be warned).  Reach me at:

Signups closed for this Event