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Making It Better Now: Ending Homophobia and Transphobia in School Athletics and Physical Education

On 4 May 2012, OUTSPORT TORONTO presented a workshop at the Toronto District School Board's FUTURES 2012 conference, the theme of which was "Equity and Inclusive Education".  OUTSPORT TORONTO's workshop (entitled "Making It Better Now: Ending Homophobia and Transphobia in School Athletics and Physical Education") was focused on accessibility of physical education, intermural, and varsity athletics to LGBT students.  The material from that workshop is below.

Resource Items

If you wish to see the Then and Now video without downloading, it is also embedded below, and can be found at .


In addition to the above material, the original "Your Can Play" public service announcement video from the You Can Play Project was used.  This video can be found at .

At the end of our presentation, we listed the following resources:


Full Video

Anonymous's picture

Will there be a longer version of the documentary released?

We have discussed doing a

Shawn Sheridan's picture

We have discussed doing a longer version with Cave Painter Films, particularly since we have about five hours of footage in total.  Cave Painter Films donated all the time in making this short, which was a massive amount of time.  They've since moved on to other projects, and at this point don't really have the bandwidth to donate more time to do a longer version.  However, we will continue the conversation with them and that may happen at some point in the future.